About Love Upon Light

LOVE UPON LIGHT is a portal that is supported by the Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore (MCAS). It guides you in your ambition in seeking truth and your aspiration to find your meaning in life. The light we share will espouse the true beauty of Islam, with veridical teachings from the Quran and Muhammad PBUH. Enlightenment steers the heart of a seeker to the transcendent love of ONE true creator.

About Our Content Contributors

We are blessed to benefit from Islamic Scholars, Academics, Professionals and Pedagogues from many fields and disciplines, contribute publications, vlogs, and audio books. It is our aspiration that we can highlight how Islam transcends time and is pertinent to all scientific sciences and anthropology.

If you are interested to join our team and publish your contribution on this platform, you may email us here hello@loveuponlight.com.